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Drunk driving is an important issue in today’s society because this is a problem that occurs frequently throughout our state and also the whole country.  Every weekend people go out and have fun but when it is time to go home they take control of a car while impaired which leads them to cause accidents that can end in fatalities. Also many of the people causing this problem are young and some not even older then the drinking age which should alert the authorities to crack down on how the alcohol is distributed. Lastly DWI checkpoints help stop the problem to certain degree but only in roads that are very transited which causes drunk drivers to avoid these roads and go through neighborhoods and stuff that can lead to a more serious accident because of the families or kids there.
Drinking is not a bad thing to many people, and should not be a bad thing because it should be done responsibly. People can go out and have fun while drinking but the problem occurs when it is time to leave and they drive while they are drunk. This has been a problem because many fatal accidents have occurred because of alcohol. This social issue is important as well because the problem does not only affect the driver but other drivers and their families. The hazard of drinking and driving is too big but for some people there is no way home so this is their only option, which means they have to take the risk, which sadly can end in a horrid way.
Most of the accidents that occur always involve a teenager because they where out partying and when decided to go home they were impaired and ended the night in tragedy.  This is not a rare thing as people our age like to go have fun but do not know how to control there drinking and later on cause an accident. The problem other then the drunk driving is alcohol is easy to get to teenagers because of people that help them buy it. Alcohol is a controlled drug, which is only permitted to those over the age of 21 because they are more responsible. With alcohol being easy to get teenagers who might not be as responsible go out and cause accidents, which only adds to the problems of alcohol and driving.
Police have been trying to reduce alcohol and drunk driving problems by putting up checkpoints and enforcing the rules in a though matter.  What this has caused is for drunk drivers to take alternate routes thorough neighborhoods and roads of this sort. Many accidents occur by families, which either see the accident or know someone who gets injured. The police need to find a way to stop these drivers since the moment they step in their vehicles because more and more people are in risks if they allow drunk drivers to seek alternate routes. Also alcohol serving should become less and end at an earlier time so people can make there way home and not be drunk allowing everyone who is out that night to arrive home safely without any drunk driving occurring late at night or at any moment of the day
Drunk driving is one of the biggest social issues in my opinions because people always get hurt or end up dead in an accident that has to do with alcohol and driving. Also steps need to be taken so that this is reduced to the most minimal it can and people stop getting injured. In my opinion the people are the ones who have to have abstinence and know that if your drinking driving is not an option. The laws should be made tougher to were the first time and your done because we as people the more chances we get the more we make mistakes and go right back to what we were doing. It is in the people to have the knowledge of not drinking and driving allowing everyone to enjoy themselves and being careful and safe.

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